I have just joined the Marrickville Cooks River Committee


I have just joined the Marrickville Cooks River Committee. I thought it would be a good experience, and a way of contributing back to the community. As I walk almost daily long the river, and my art work is inspired by the subject of the Inland River, for me it is a relevant way be involved in the community. The committee aims to improve the environment of the Cooks River and raise awareness amongst the community of its value as a natural system.

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Last weekend I went to the Marrickville Council’s Rain Garden Planting Day. One of the largest rain gardens created so far along the Cooks River. Marrickville is a great council, very active on the environmental and arts front. The Planting day, part of the ‘Water Revolution’ initiative, was open to the whole community. There was a big turn out on the day, with everyone getting a chance to plant a tree! The Street Rain Gardens are one way the council is improving the quality of the Cooks River, removing pollutants and rubbish from storm water over flow.

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The catchment area, with grass plantings for filtration, and a stoney river bed with gums.


View looking up to the neighbouring golf course, with new plantings in the foreground.